6 Places To Dine In Teppanyaki
Teppanyaki (鉄板焼き teppan-yaki) is a style of Japanese cuisine that uses an iron griddle to cook food. The word Teppanyaki is derived from teppan (鉄板), which means iron plate, and yaki (焼き), which means grilled, broiled, or pan-fried. Though quite a number of Japanese restaurants are mushrooming all over Phnom Penh, the city is still yet to be fulfilled with sets of Teppanyaki. Here is a list of restaurants where you can find Teppanyaki in Phnom Penh.
Note: Teppanyaki is one of the priciest dishes in town, it is to be reminded that an average Teppanyaki meal (4 person/set) would cost from 40$ to 150$.
- Kobe Japanese Restaurant
Known as one of the best restaurant in town for long time, Kobe believed to offer high quality Japanese food that also includes Kobe beef and Teppanyaki.
Location: Kampuchea Krom Boulevard, Eastward of Santhomok High School, Google Map
- Nagaworld
The giant casino in the city also offers special Teppanyaki option in their fine Japanese dining restaurant.
Location: Preah Sihanouk Boulevard, Google Map
- Samouraï Restaurant
Samouraï might probably be the only standalone restaurant from any hotel that offers Teppanyaki. More than that, their Teppanyaki might be the most affordable of all.
Location: Street 240, Google Map
- Garden City Hotel
An out of town Garden City Hotel might be the place you can find an out of the world Teppanyaki as well. Who knows? With all their high class chefs and decoration, you might enjoy a road trip too!
Location: Street Ly Yong Phat, Phum Prek Tarath, Khum Prek Tasek,, Khan Chroy Changva, Phnom Penh Google Map
- Kanji Japanese Restaurant
Situated near and is a part the Almond Hotel, Kanji is also one of the top favorite Japanese restaurant in Phnom Penh. Get a try on their Teppanyaki, maybe?
Location: Sothearous Boulevard, BKK, Google Map
- Takezono at Sokha Hotel
The last is not the least, Takezono of Sokha Hotel offer Teppanyaki on the 19th floor! Enjoy Teppanyaki, sip sake, and watch over Phnom Penh at night, ideal date?
Location: Street Keo Chenda, Chroy Chongva, Phnom Penh, Google Map