Simple ways for low-budget homemade Japanese Rice Omelet!

CookBuzz was stuck at home after a heavy rainstorm a few days ago, but that didn't stop us from cooking a delicious comfort meal. For this meal, we only needed the ingredients that we normally have at home. Today, we will show you how to make homemade Japanese omelet rice.

Before cooking any dishes we need to make sure that we have all the ingredients that we need:

  • Ingredients:
  1. Chinese soy sauce
  2. Onion
  3. Sugar
  4. Water
  5. White cooking wine
  6. 3 eggs
  7. 2 roots of green onion
  8. 5 pieces of French green beans

Now that we have all the ingredients we needed, we can start making the sauce for our egg:

  • Ingredients and directions:
  1. 3 tablespoons of Chinese soy sauce
  2. Onion (desired amount)
  3. ½ tablespoons of sugar
  4. 4 tablespoons of water
  5. 1 tablespoon of Cooking white wine
  6. 2 roots of green onion ( chopped )

    • Add all of the ingredients into a bowl then mix 3 eggs in another bowl, and put all of those aside.

After that, it is time to chop and make some veggies:

  • What we need are:
  1. Chop the onion into small pieces
  2. Chop or cut the green onion into small pieces for decoration
  3. Boil 5 pieces of the French green beans

Now that we have already prepared our resources and ingredients, it’s time for us to start cooking our food.

  • Step-by-step preparation and direction:
  1. Heat the pan up ( To prevent the egg from sticking to the pan)
  2. Pour the egg sauce into the pan ( leave it to boil )
  3. Put the egg in afterward
  4. Add the thinly chopped onion along with the egg
  5. Add the pre-boiled French green beans in last, and wait until it’s cooked

Now that the egg is done, it’s time to set your food up, for the presentation.

  • How to set up:
  1. Get the preferred amount of rice into the bowl
  2. Pour the cooked omelet into the bowl on top of the rice
  3. Sprinkle the chopped green onion onto the egg for decoration 

Tada! Now everything is set and done. What did CookBuzz tell you, it's very easy and fast to make this dish. It's simple, but also very tasty. Now that you have learned how to make this wonderful and satisfying meal, why don't you give it a try and share it with your loved ones?

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