HOME CHAMKAR!​ The best cycling destination around Arey Ksat

Cycling around the Arey Ksat area, getting all those toxins out from your body through your sweats but now, you’re starving and are trying to find a good place to eat? Well, I have just the right place to recommend! Paying a visit to HOME Chamkar would be a great way to freshen up yourselves after your long rides.

Located in the east of our capital city, Phnom Penh, Arey Ksat is very popular amongst cyclists and usually their choice of destination when cycling as the near Mekong River offers a nice refreshingly breezy environment with trees on the roadsides, making it very suited for cycling. 

HOME Chamkar is one of the many places at Arey Ksat that you can eat, drink and enjoy with your cycling squad. Since there is no built-in kickstand for mountain bikes and road bikes, the owner of HOME Chamkar even provides a parking space dedicated to the bikes. This can be a technique to attract customers but it feels very considerate.

We, Bone Soup Rider, recommend you to start cycling as it will return you with a healthy body, a nice release of stress, a bonding hang out with your team, and just everything else you need to make you happy. 

These are some routes you can take when at Arey Ksat:

First option:

  • Gathering Location: Ferry, Arey Ksat
  • Destination: Mango tree and Lemongrass Farm
  • Road condition: Normal, muddy, bridge, small trails, ferry.
  • Map: https://goo.gl/maps/krc3GqqfVSUaVUhv5
  • Approximately 17km

Second option:

  • Gathering Location: Ferry, Arey Ksat
  • Destination: HOME Chamkar
  • Road condition: Normal, muddy, bridge, small trails, ferry
  • Map: https://goo.gl/maps/271VUn2VokPWiZc58
  • Approximately 14km

HOME Chamkar

  • Svay Chrum Village, Svay Chrum Commune, Khsach Kandal District, Kandal Province
  • 017 937 008

Food Review