New Branch at Train Square Comes with New Coffee Menu by Heekcaa

For all cheese tea lovers out there definitely cannot resist the best taste of Heekcaa’s cheese tea easily. The great news is, Heekcaa opens their new branch which is located at Train Square Royal Tower. Even more extreme, they also provide more options and intended to reduce all of the left-out feelings for coffee lovers.

Our favorite cheese tea place, Heekcaa has released their new menu 'Coffee by Heekcaa' which comes with 6 delightful coffee drinks that consist of Americano, Iced latte, Heekcaa Coffee Bae, Condense Milk Latte, Ice Mocha, and Ice Milky.  These coffee drinks are made at a reasonable price yet with standard and quality as always. The latest updated recipe of 'Heekcaa Coffee Bae’ has made it become the signature drink one on the menu as well. 

Among the 6 drinks on the 'Coffee by Heekkca' menu, we recommend you to try 3 first are Heekcaa Coffee Bae, Iced Mocha (not your regular mocha), and Ice Milky

Furthermore, to encourage and present a convenient service to everyone to stay safe by staying indoors, Heekcaa has a promotion of 30% off for all drinks on the 'Coffee by Heekacaa' menu on every delivery apps. 

Even more excited, we also want to spoil a little bit that Heekcaa IFL which is their flagship store will be opening this April too with lots of promotions coming your way. So, for more information, you can check out their Facebook Page, Heekcaa Cambodia, or contact 077 333 357.

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