Kamu Tea Unveils 3 New Chizu Brûlée After High Demand
Your prayers have been answered! Following a crazy high demand for new flavors of Kamu Tea’s signature drink and all-time popular Chizu Brûlée, Kamu Tea is finally ready to unveil 3 brand new Chizu Brûlée drinks: Kamu Milk Tea Chizu Brûlée, Matcha Chizu Brûlée and Thai Tea Chizu Brûlée.

Now there’s something for everyone, aye?

Kamu Milk Tea Chizu Brûlée is a classic Assam black tea that gets its very own Chizu brûlée treatment so if you are looking for a crossover between your go-to classic milk tea and the cheese tea trend, this is the one for you.

The hand-whisk premium Shizuoka matcha going into Matcha Chizu Brûlée proves that your favorite matcha drink can be coupled with the exciting Chizu Brûlée without losing its authenticity and tradition.

Next, Thai Tea Chizu Brûlée made with authentic premium Thai tea is also something not to miss. Rich in flavor, this one might be a fun addition in your go-to drink list.

And do you know you can savor your Chizu Brûlée in two different ways in the SAME cup? First, you sip the tea to taste the flavorful tea along with the creamy baked cheese. Once you get to about half of the cup, bring out a straw and now it’s time to enjoy the tea with the chewy pearls. Stir and enjoy!

Last but not least, not one of the Chizu Brûlée series but an all-new Milo Magma! Remember to shake well to get the fresh milk, chocolate sauce, Milo powder and chocolate crumbs mixed thoroughly. And you might wanna snap a picture of this magma-licious for the ‘Gram!

Location: Corner of Pasteur Street (51) and Street 322, Sangkat Boeung Keng Kang, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh | Googlemap
Opening Hours: 9AM - 8PM