there're 99 probs, but rice (Bay Srob) for breakfast won’t be one! - A Common Breakfast in Cambodia

In every country all over the world, there is always that go-to food. Such as Europeans' go-to food might be bread, and so on. Something that is on top of our heads, the first option ever that we mostly choose to ignore yet still go back to that same option after having too many thoughts and concerns because that particular dish is the safest and most classic choice of all time, especially for breakfast.

You know what, let us travel to Cambodia and see what’s up. As we already know that food plays such an important role in a country's culture and for Cambodia there is this one particular dish which is called “Bay Srob (បាយស្រូប)”.  

What is “Bay Srob (បាយស្រូប)”? And why is it the topic of choice?

Bay Srob is a Khmer name for “rice with chopped pork and fried egg” which is normally eaten as the day's first meal. Bay srob is easy, affordable, portable, and fills us almost throughout the whole day, also the most well-known dish in the country.

For the main dish, there will be rice and most importantly the meat because that is where the dish shines, for the meat they need to be careful about it from the rich and pleasant taste to a soft and tender texture let alone the glossy appetizing look itself,  that would make the consumer wanting it even more, everything about the meat will speak for the food. After that, of course, there are eggs, at this point, there are a few types of eggs that are commonly put on the rice those would be a delightful flavorful scrambled egg, a crispy edge with flowy yolk fried egg, and last but not least a juicy and mild stew egg.

Now now, don’t forget the side dish and add-ons, which are kinda optional, could say it is just a little something to give your rice more personality. We normally use pickled veggies (papaya, carrot, radish, cucumber,...) as a side. Along with that, there is flavored oil (has meat, and spring onion),  homemade fried or roasted chili, and fish sauce as the add-ons.

The moment of truth is when you mix the main dish, side dish, and add-ons together, then you will understand why this is one reliable dish of all time. Besides that, Let us give you a tip on how to get the best experience out of it. Is when you are eating in a crowd while talking about life with your love once, until then you will be able to see a simple dish from a different point of view.

On top of that, we have just a place where you can begin this journey. It is a friendly neighborhood type of restaurant that the locals usually called it as “Bay Srob pong moan chean” also known as “Bay Chma” which is given by loyal customers. This specific place allows you to get yourself a unique type of Bay Srob that give you both vibe of the authentic primary school dish to the modern-day's meal. Since her meat is different from what we generally see because she chops the pork into little pieces and puts it right onto the rice which could add more flavor to the rice by the juices of the pork, along with the eggs she provides slightly raw yet crunchy one and the seasoned well-cooked one. Beyond that is the homemade fried chili, it is freshly made every single day since it’s mostly run out by the consumption of spice lovers. 

On the other hand, the reason behind the name “Bay Chma” is that her rice is a bit too little, especially for foodies like us. 

You can find the restaurant around the Institute of Economics and Finance

Time: 6:00 am - 12:00 pm

Location: Bay Srob pong moan Chean

corner of St. 134 & St. 225 (Behind the Institute of Economics and Finance)


  • corner of St. 134 & St. 225 (somewhere behind the Institute of Economics and Finance)

Food Review