A Taste of Freshly Handmade Banh Cuon at Kuy Teav Kat 555

In Orussey area, you probably have a lot of thoughts in which shop you gotta have an amazing street food. If you are looking for where to eat Banh Cuon, FoodBuzz will guide you to Kuy Teav Kat 555 Sok Hok.

No longer worry about no seat while eating Banh Cuon!
No longer worry about small space at where you eat Banh Cuon!
Doesn't it look yummy?

Doesn't it look yummy?

Kuy Teav Kat 555 Sok Hok has gained its fame for making a freshly handmade kuy teav kat for years. The taste of warm Banh Cuon with Pâté here will give you a great food street experience ever. The price is affordable. If you have a big appetizer, you can add more Pâté or Banh Cuon. Make it more favorable to customers, Banh Cuon is also served without fillings.

Banh Cuon

Banh Cuon
You'll love it, give it a try!

You'll love it, give it a try!

Price: 6000+ KHR

Location: #83AEo, Street Sok Hok (107), Sangkat Orussey 4, Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh | Googlemap 

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