If You Want to Fight AGAINST Viruses, Avoid These 5 Foods

During this period of time, your health is the number one priority that should not be ignored. Taking care of your immune system is the most important thing that you should be doing right now.

Image: telanganatoday.com

You must have heard that, fish meat and vegetable are an important meal that help boost your immune system. But there is some food that don’t do so.

#1 Fast Food

Fast food is the favorite of most people because it is cheap, fast, and tasty. Even though most people think having fast food once in a while would not cause a serious problem to your body, expert says, regularly eating fast food can actually reprogram the way your immune system reacts to potential issues, putting it in a prolonged state of “high alert”.

Image: BBC

#2 Food with MSG

Most people tend to put MSG in their foods when they cook, it helps to boost the flavor. But it’s also bad for health. MSG contains a substance that can weaken your glands and spine, both of which play an important role in your immune system.

Image: Eat This, Not That


#3 Alcohol Beverages

Having Alcohol in your body right now might sound nice but actually it effects your immune system in many ways. Alcohol has a couple of effects on your immune system that you could do without, including reducing the function of your macrophages (the cells that break down foreign invaders), messing with your immunoglobulin and cytokine levels, and impairing the production of T cells and B cells, both of which act as first responders in the body.

Image: Newzzbuzz.com

#4 Caffeine 

Have one or two shots of espresso to boost your energy in the morning is what some people cannot do without.  While caffeine help you boost your energy in the morning, it also effects Cortisol hormones, that produce to fight with stress, does a number on your metabolism and mood, and it can also lower your immune function if you regularly have high levels of it flowing throughout your body. 

Image: Healthline.com

Especially regularly consuming caffeine may also make it harder for immune system in your body to stay well by reducing the number of T cells your body produces. 

#5 Sugary Snacks

One thing that some people did not know is that bacteria feeds on sugar in system. So, eating a high-sugar snack has a lot of impact on your immune system. In addition to acting specifically as a bacterial diet, sugar also directly affects your immune system as it competes with vitamin C, which is a core nutrient for your immune system. 

Image: planetradio.co.uk

When it comes to taking care and strengthening our immune system it is very important. Take good care of your immune system, and it will take care of you. Therefore, diet and drink are important things we should not overlook. Eating right, living a clean life, and taking care of yourself, are what we must do right now.  



Food Review