4 steps Soy Sauce Marinated Eggs recipe! Very easy and affordable!

We heard that you’re looking for an on-budget recipe? Well, you’re in luck because Cookbuzz is here with another easy, affordable and delicious recipe for you, Soy Sauce Marinated Eggs!



Chicken Eggs (10 eggs)

Salt (half a tablespoon)

Garlic (70 Grams)

Chopped Chili (40 Grams)

Sesame Seeds (2 tablespoons)

Lime (2 whole limes)

Vinegar (2 tablespoons)

Sugar (5 tablespoons)

Soy Sauce (200 Grams)

Warm water (150 Grams)


How to do:

1. Boil the water then add vinegar and salt in before adding the eggs and let it cook for 5 to 6 minutes. Once done, take it out and let it chill in an ice water bath.


2. For the marinade, you need to add soy sauce, warm water, sugar and the lime in one bowl and stir it well.



3. Add in the garlic, chopped chili and sesame seeds then stir it well.



4. Then take out the boiled eggs and let it marinate in our marinade mixture for 2 to 3 hours. (If you want a bolder flavor, let it marinate overnight!)



Voila! Only four easy steps and you have our very own Soy Sauce Marinated Eggs! Plate it with some warm steamy rice and you get yourself a nice effortless meal.

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